How to check the validity of a Facebook account by ID


How to check the validity of a Facebook account by ID

The page is under development





How to check the validity of a Facebook account


Facebook account can be safely and quickly checked for validity even without logging in! For this method, you need an account ID or a link to it. ID verification does not affect the account itself in any way, so you can use this method without fear.




Service for quick verification




2. Insert the ID or links to the accounts in the list in the field on the left, then click "Check".

Example ID: 100074200633733

How easy it is to take account IDs from a list from a file (Instructions) (in development)


3. We get the result of the check in the field on the right.

Possible options:

Активный | Active
Заблокирован | Blocked
Не существует | Doesn't exist

The check is over, the result in percentages is given under the field, clicking on any of them you can copy the IDs of specific accounts.

Link to the service - Facebook account checker.